Weekly Writing Challenge #1 – Nouns to poem

f56lgz_thSo this is me trying to do the Weekly Writing Challenge from The Daily Post . A project from WordPress.com to help bloggers to write / blog more and be creative. I came across the project via Julies Blog who did the Writing 101 challenge. So here I am trying to live up to the weekly challenge of blogging more and additionally training my english which I am rather ashamed of at the moment.

The week’s Weekly Wiriting Challenge is called The Ray Bradbury Noun List Twist . My nouns from the site’s list: The river. The thunderstorm. The red rose. The French pastry. The wedding. The tombstone.


We sat by the river
our river is flowing
and always growing

We sat amidst the roses
our red roses in bloom
and their perfume

We smiled under the sun
our hot sun of summer
and taking a slumber

We ate our french pastries
our precious delicacies
and sticky fingers

We danced at the wedding
our wedding full of love
and colourful laughs


I cried during the thunderstorm
the loud frightening thunderstorm
and feeling cold


I sit by the tombstone
your grim tombstone
next to the river
amidst the roses
under the sun




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