The me – Blogging 101 #1

000gx1s7  I didn’t get very far with my attempt to make a weekly post but since I would really like to get back into a writing habit I took the opportunity to register for a blogging “course” from the Daily Post. So beginning today starts Blogging 101.

 Today’s assignment is: write and publish a “who I am and why I’m here” post.

So it begins…

I am a woman/girl/nerd in the beginning of my thirties. On this blog I publish random stuff which comes to my mind. As you can see it is still mostly in german so if you hate german, Germany or the Germans please leave 😉 I have studied English Literature but since I finished University I haven’t been using english actively very often and thus I am not very fluent anymore. So please bare with me. I am trying to get back into an english writing habit and am hoping that this course is helping me with this.

I have written in personal journals when I was a teenager until the beginning of my twenties I think but I’ve stopped doing so…for some reason that I really don’t know myself. I really enjoy reading the blogs of my friends or other persons who blog about their lives or interests and always wanted to do so myself but as it is, working hours and personal problems are the doom of any creativity. So here I am trying to bring back creativity into my life and collect my thoughts and some creative stuff on this blog for others to read if they like and of course for myself.

If you understand german you can see that I am roleplayer and often blog about the characters I am playing from their point of view. So if you are interested in that kind of thing and understand german please feel free to go to the “Charakterblogs” page on this blog. If you don’t understand any german – I am sorry! Perhaps when I am back to my secure english writing self after this course – as I hope I will be – I may start blogging for my roleplay characters in english. But I will decide this after the next 30 days.

So, this is a little bit about me and I am really looking forward to the next 30 days and to reading as many blogs of the participants in Blogging 101 as I am able to.


One thought on “The me – Blogging 101 #1

  1. Yay, you’re doing it! 😀

    For some reason, though, I can’t formally follow your blog – probably because of it being not hosted on WordPress. But yay! ^^

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